Friday, July 8, 2016

Increased Consumption of Subsidized Food is Associated With Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk

New research shows an association between higher consumption of foods derived from subsidized commodities with adverse heart and metabolic risks. Specifically, it shows an increase in C-reactive protein which measures inflammation,  increased blood sugar levels, increased cholesterol levels and increased waist measurement. So, basically this tells us that consumption of subsidized foods in the United States is associated with inflammation, and increased parameters that may lead to obesity, heart disease, and diabetes as well as other disease states associated with inflammation and dysglycemia. 

So what is on that list of foods that are subsidized. Well soybeans and corn are right up there at the top of that list. We know that GMO corn and soy dominate the market with very little of it being conventional or even organic. So they are the main subsidized crop people are eating. If you have paid any attention to the data collected on RoundUp Ready soy and GMO corn you will not be surprised at this research.

The researchers suggested subsidies be shifted towards healthier crops such as fruit and vegetables. Something, many of us have been requesting for some time. The fact that research now is available to support our point of view will help this shift to actually take place.

The original research can be accessed here.