Herbal Medicine
This menu selection has many subsections to choose from.1. Herbs A-Z
Herbal monographs where you can look up individual herbs by common or Latin name.
2. Making Herbal Products
This is where you will find information on everything from harvesting herbs to making herbal products. Let Dr. Sharol know what you want added to this section by clicking on the email icon at the top of each page.
3. Herbal Articles
Here you learn how to use herbs as medicine. There are articles that highlight herbs used for a variety of health conditions, or simply focus on the herb itself.
4. Herb Walks and Herb Research
These sections are under construction.

Health Conditions
This menu section has a few subsections to choose from.
1. Health Conditions A-Z
This is where you will find information on various health conditions. You are more likely to find an article on bed bugs, or demodex mites here than on treating croup as Dr. Sharol writes about those things she thinks need more attention.
2. Optimize Your Health
This section examines how to optimize your health, and currently emphasizes the support of biotransformation (detox) systems in your cells to energize your mitochondria, energize you, and promote longevity.

3. Health Conditions By Body System
Currently being built, but there are a few articles here. More will appear soon.
Food As Medicine
This section of the website has not yet been built, but if you go to the links, you can get an idea of what will be here in the future. This section will be fully operational by the winter of 2019-2020.
1. Recipes
2. Growing Food
3. Healthy Food Research
Mold And Toxins
This is an extensive list of articles and a site map is provided for you at the link above. You will also find the more common mold articles in the drop down menu at the top each page. The drop down menu has the following selections.
1. Biotoxins
2. Mold & Mycotoxins
3. Moldy Food
4. Moldy People
5. Moldy Buildings
6. More Nasty Toxins - This section is still being built
Book Store
The new book store is easier to use and will make it easier to order Dr. Sharol's books.

Inner You
This is a look at the spiritual side of health. Here you will find articles such as "The Vital Force And Epigenetics" and "The Conscious Manifestation Of Health."

Dr. Sharol has a new blog at youarethehealer.org, where you will find all her new articles organized in a much easier manner to find. Additionally, you can search the entire site, and find many of her old blog articles from dreamingabeautifulworld.blogspot.com in revised form, revised articles from her old website, and many brand new offerings on this website.

New Blog Topics
Building Strong, Resilient Bones - Osteopenia & Osteoporosis Prevention, and Treatment Of Osteoporosis through lifestyle, nutrition, herbs, and supplements.
Will Skin Care Prevent Dementia
Sounds unbelievable to some, but indeed the research shows it may and for a very good reason.
Mold Making You Sick?
Have you ever wondered if your long-term illness is related to mold. If so, this is the blog to read. It will provide you with addition links to follow for more in-depth information.
Fluoride In Our Water - A Convenient Way To DIspose Of Hazardous Waste
If you have city water that is fluoridated, or water that has natural high fluoride in it, you will want to read this.
Milk Is Transferring Genetic Information To Babies
Well actually, it is transferring genetic information to anyone who consumes it and therein lies the issue. Good for babies, but perhaps not so good for adults. This is a synopsis of a research review article that is amazing.
The Humanure Handbook, 4th Edition, Reviewed
This is one of those books that you feel would change the world if only everyone would read it.
For those of you who receive email notices about blogs, you will need to sign up for Dr. Tilgner's monthly blog notice to continue getting them. Please look to the sidebar on this page (near the top) for her brief signup form. You will also find the signup form at her new blog site.