I was asked recently what my number one environmental concern was. I found it impossible to come up with one most important environmental concern. We should be living in a paradise but there is so much to be improved in our world. Our air, water and food are tainted. We are indoctrinated as little children to accept our tainted planet and society as it is. We are taught to become good little worker bees. We learn to take our place in society. However, recently many more of us worker bees have been waking up and realizing there are some serious problems in our world. Problems created from the types of activities all of us worker bees are undertaking at the command of some not so nice Queen bees (Those in charge of mega-corporations). These Queen bees and our acceptance as their worker bees are the root of many of our environmental problems.
When we wake up we notice that the entire environment, the environment within us and the environment outside of us is struggling to survive while hoping for a better future. There is much that needs to be done. Education is paramount. More people need to be educated as to the large-scale socio-political concerns that affect the planet. We need to understand there are people who like to collect power/money who use their power and money to gain control over food, water, medicine, energy sources etc. Their aim is to continually gain more power and more money. In their plan we all remain their worker bees by whatever means is necessary. These misaligned Queen bees have infected our society. We have to stop working for and feeding the Queen bees. We need to support only healthy aspects of our society.
As we educate each other, more and more people are waking out of their stupor and realizing they are automatons for these greedy Queen Bees. The Queen Bees have been able to control the worker bees as they have made the worlds population think they are all dependent on the Queen bees for their survival. People are no longer taught to be independent in thought or action. People lack the daily survival skills necessary to create their shelters, grow their own food, to take charge of their own health care. These are things we once knew how to do. These skills are easy to gain again and some worker bees have continued to pass the wisdom on to others.
We can provide for ourselves in a much healthier manner than the misaligned Queen bees can. The shelters they provide are built with toxins and are expensive. The health care provided is really sick care and is not affordable. It does not actually keep people healthy. Even the food provided is laced with chemicals and now is genetically modified. Science has shown the dangers of the toxic chemicals and genetic modification of the food. However this data is kept under wraps by the people who benefit from selling toxic seeds and food (AKA Queen Bees). It is easy for them to buy silence and easy for them to use massive advertising to control the minds of the worker bees as long as the worker bees stay in their stupor.
Once we are awakened from this hold the Queen Bees have had on us, it is through gaining self-sufficiency skills and learning to be independent from the Queen bees mega corporations that we will be able to say goodbye to their control. We need interdependence with others of like mind rather than dependence on ill intentioned Queen Bees. Learning to reconnect and depend on people in our communities is necessary and brings great joy and a feeling of greater purpose to individuals in the community. It is imperative that we learn the skills necessary to live on this planet in a harmonious way with each other and all planetary beings.
The process of learning physical skills is necessary, fun, self-empowering and will change our society. All of us need to learn as many life skills as possible. Touch the Earth: Start a garden if you don’t have one. Community gardens exist in most cities. If there are not enough community garden spaces, find out what needs to be done to get more city land available for gardeners. Knowing how to grow your own food is not only important for survival; it will enhance your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual growth. Take the time to learn other self-sufficiency skills you have an interest in. You can never have too many life skills.
Learn to preserve the food you grow by drying, canning, fermenting, freezing and salting. Grow and preserve herbs so you can provide your own medicine. Chickens are easy to raise and many cities allow hens. Some cities allow goats in the yard under certain conditions. If your city does not allow chickens and or goats, get the laws changed. Goats can provide milk and it is easy to make cheese. Most people don’t realize fresh goat milk tastes great. Goats are easy to care for once you understand them. Learn to use your hands to create a beautiful living environment. Learn how you can become less dependent on the electrical grid and all aspects of our out of control socio-political system.
We need to change things quickly. The fastest way to change society is to work from an energetic level. Each and every one of us on this planet, including the planet is all a twitch in the mind of Spirit whom we are intricately connected to through the breath of life. It is through the spiritual realization that we are all one that true change takes place. The more people realize this, the faster change will take place. It is necessary for us to realize we are all interconnected to understand what affects one, affects all. If you understand this, you know the most important thing that any of us can know. Help others to understand this. When we understand this important fact, it is impossible to have ill will toward others.
The spiritual level is where change can take place the quickest. Many people realize that they co-create reality with others. The place where this creation begins to take place is on the energetic level. We have to be responsible for what emotions and thoughts we will support and nourish into reality. We and all that exists in our environment are made up of the emotions and thoughts that we allowed to become reality in the past. We need to nourish our current thoughts and emotions that will lead us into beautiful dreams of the future for our planet. To do this we need to stay in the moment and pay attention to our emotions, and our thoughts. We need to nurture those emotions and thoughts that will create beauty and harmony in our lives. We must all take responsibility for our current creation and work towards the changes necessary for us all to live a beautiful life. It is possible and it is already taking place around and within us!
Things to Remember & Do:
Government is not in control of our socio-polictical rules and regulations. A group of large private banks and large corporations are in control. They manipulate us through the central banks and government as well as financial markets. (Read my blog on the Federal Reserve that is coming soon.)
Voting for governmental office may not change much but voting with how we spend our money changes everything. Pay attention to where you invest all your energy including your money. Don’t support the large private banks and corporations. Giving them our money, gives them power.
We can take back the power we have given the mega-corporations. We have the power to transform our society by withdrawing our money from those who engage in destructive behavior and by channeling our money to those who are engaged in positive behavior. We have the power to refuse to work for them. Choose to only work for people who are doing good in the world. Start your own business to compete with them if you can’t find anyone in your line of business who is promoting a safe and beautiful world. If you have a good idea for a business that needs to be created but are unsure how to do it or do not have the capital, start talking to others about it. Spend your time learning what needs to be done. Spirit will send you the information, the people and the capital you need to proceed if you are committed to the project.
Learn about alternative currency, community currency, and barter systems.
Invest locally, invest with people you trust.
Get down to the nitty gritty: Where do you deposit your money. Is the bank, credit union etc. local? Does it focus on lending locally and giving money back to the local community? Where do you purchase your groceries and other things you need? Is the money staying in the local community or does it have a headquarters that is outside of your community? Where do these businesses invest their money? Is it in your local community?
This is an exciting time to be alive. We are creating a beautiful world. Our dreams lead to ideas, our ideas lead to actions and our actions lead to the materialization of our beautiful world. We will dream carefully, and choose our ideas for their goodness and beauty they create. Then we take action and are blessed by what we have created.